Face fat builds up for the same reason it builds up in other areas of the body—calorie overload. Here are some things you can do to lose your face fat.

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How to Lose Those Chubby Cheeks
What can you do to lose fat in the face? If you reading this, that’s probably the question you’re asking yourself right now.
You also may be hoping there is some secret trick that will allow you to slim your face with the minimum of effort.
Unfortunately, there are no ways to spot-reduce flab on the face. Not any that can be backed by research anyway.
Face fat builds up for the same reason it builds up in other areas of the body—calorie overload.
When you eat too much food or go for too many high-calorie foods, your body has more energy than it needs so it stores the extra as fat.
A lot of time the fat begins to build up first around the mid-section (stomach fat) but your body stores it in different amounts all over. The arms are another area where fat can build up.
Once the fat cells form they stay in place until your body experiences an energy shortage sufficient to force to begin reclaiming calories from its fat.
You can force your body to begin “burning” its fat by cutting back on your calorie intake.
That means choosing lower-calorie food options, not snacking, and eating smaller portions at mealtimes. It also means sticking to no more than three meals per day.
Restricting your calorie intake by dieting will force your body to begin burning fat but you cannot control where.
With persistence, the fat in your face will start to disappear but there are no shortcuts.
Let’s take a look at some of the things you can do to lose all that chubbiness that’s currently getting in your face.
1. Eat for Face-Slimming Success
Certain foods are more likely to contribute to chubby cheeks and a jelly belly than other foods are.
When you want to lose the fat that’s already built up in your face, these are the foods you will need to avoid.
Processed foods and refined carbohydrates are options you definitely need to steer clear of. Try to eat more thermic foods that help the fat burning process – such as red peppers.
The problem with processed foods is they are high in fat and/or sugar. Not all fat is bad though it has to be said.
They often contain salt too. For reasons that will become apparent a little further on in this article, salt can fatten your face as well.
Refined carbohydrates are undesirable because they are subjected to processing that robs them of much of their natural fiber and nutrients.
This causes them to be high in empty calories.
When you eat these refined food options, they often push up your blood sugar level. This causes an insulin reaction that can result in sudden cravings for high-calorie food.
Processed meats to avoid include:
- Jerky
- Bacon
- Ham
- Salami
- Sausages
- Corned beef
- Canned meats
- Meat-based sauces
Refined carbohydrates to avoid include:
- White rice
- Pasta (all types)
- White bread
- Most breakfast cereals
- Syrups and products that contain them
The best way to lose fat in the face and body is to opt for food that comes as nature intended. Choose foods that suppress appetite and low in fat and high in anti-oxidants.
When you go to the supermarket, stock up on fresh fruit and vegetables and spend less time in the canned goods aisle.
Choose protein rich lean meats like chicken and turkey breast instead of sausages, burger, or spam, etc.
As for cookies and potato chips, consider them the enemy of your face.
If your food has a label, read it carefully. If it doesn’t weigh it and be sure you know how many calories you are going to get.
2. Avoid a Salt Overload to Reduce Face Fat
If your cheeks have developed an unwanted chubbiness it may not only be due to fat.
It could be partially or entirely due to water retention and too much salt can do it.

Many foods contain more salt than people realize though, again, processed foods are the main culprit.
When you get too much salt it encourages your body to retain water. This causes swelling and puffy-looking skin.
It can happen in most parts of the body. When it happens in the face, it’s easy to mistake all that undesirable puffiness for facial fat.
Getting too much salt in your diet is never a good idea, apart from giving you unwanted chubby cheeks, it may also raise your blood pressure and/or cause other undesirable health issues.
3. Say “YES!” to Cardio to Rid Face Fat
Regular cardiovascular exercise can also help you lose fat in the face.
You need to get your diet right first, but a few cardio sessions each week can be very good for increasing the amount of fat you burn.

Some people may notice their face getting thinner early in the game, for others it may be later, but cardio is always a game that’s worth playing.
It may be in the early stages or towards the end but, sooner or later, that face fat will go.
In 2012, researchers explored the ways different types of exercise influenced the fat mass of overweight and obese people. The study ran for eight months and 119 people took part.
The volunteers did aerobic training activities, resistance training, or a combination of the two.
Aerobics is a cardio workout that’s generally used for losing weight and/or improving physical fitness. Resistance training primarily focuses on muscle growth.
The resulting data shows people who primarily want to burn fat should opt for cardio training over resistance training every time.
4. Drink Less Alcohol and More Water – If You Want To get Rid of Face Fat
Alcohol provides more calories than most people think. There are no good options.
Whatever your favorite tipple happens to be, you need to limit how much of it you drink and how often you do so.

If you are in a hurry to lose your face fat, try not to drink it at all.
Pure alcohol delivers seven calories per gram. Even if your favorite drink is relatively low in alcohol, it will still provide calories from other sources.
Every calorie you get is a calorie that could potentially head straight for you face or slow down the rate at which you lose your face fat.
Water, on the other hand, is face-friendly. If you drink a glass or two before your meals, it takes up stomach space and helps you to eat less.
Water is a natural diuretic, it van help the weight loss process – albeit temporarily.
Cold water also raises the metabolic rate when it draws heat from the stomach to bring it’s temperature up to match that of the body.
This isn’t just a theory. Research proves keeping well hydrated can be a very good way to burn extra fat.
So, if you want to lose your face fat drinking less alcohol and more water is a winning move.
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