Although the site provides informative articles about health, nutrition, fitness, and training, LabMeeting is predominantly a supplement review site. However, there is a strong emphasis on deep research and the on-site reviews are unusually informative.
Some of the key area’s include:
- Fitness
- BodyBuilding
- Weight Loss
The site is published by LabMeeting. The company was founded in 2011 by Tony Stevens, who is also CEO and editor of LabMeeting.
Tony is responsible for writing a good portion of the site content as well but he doesn’t do it alone. He’s put together a team of experts taken from a number of different sectors within the industry.
“Team” is the operative word here. LabMeeting is very much a team effort and each member is a star player in their own right.
The team is from all over the world: United States, Canada, Australia and the UK.
The site is not specifically aimed at people who wants to lose weight or those who wish to gain muscle. It’s for anyone who want to get in shape and stay that way.
Separating the Good from the Bad
There are pills that suppress appetite, patches that burn fat, pre-workouts that boost energy, and all manner of other health and wellness products. The market is saturated. Supplements are big business and it can be a dirty business.
Although there are quality products on the market, there is also a lot of trash. The problem is, the companies responsible for churning out a lot of the trash are very good at polishing it up and making it look good.
A few false claims here, some bogus research there, and a generous helping of hype. Sometimes that’s all it takes to make the trash sparkle and many customers become so dazzled they can’t see the wood for the trees.
That’s where LabMeeting comes in. By providing real information and highlighting actual studies, the reviews help consumers to see these products for what they are.
However, it’s not just about trashing the inferior options. If a better option is available, the site always point this out. So, if one avenue turns out to be a dead end street there will generally be somewhere else to go.
After the research is done, very few supplements make the grade and those that do have to be extremely good. Strong ingredient profile, reputable origin, and good customer reviews, they’ve got to have the lot.
The LabMeeting Content Creators
Steve Nidich

Steve is from Sydney (NSW Australia) and a professional writer and reviewer with a background in bodybuilding and the martial arts. He’s been specializing in male heath, nutrition, weight loss, and supplements since 2013 and has written numerous articles about eating right and keeping in shape.
He has a natural flare for writing reviews and has already documented the pros and cons of more than a 1,000 different brands of supplements.
Apart from having an enviable knowledge of supplement ingredients, Steve is an expert researcher and likes to support important information with links to relevant research.
Mark Rainforth

Mark is LabMeeting’ very own “Mr” T and you’ve got to pity the fool that tries to get a sub-standard supplement past this quick-eyed man of muscle. He believes 90 percent of supplements don’t work and he goes into all his reviews expecting the worst. He is originally from California, United States.
Mark is CPD certified in Sports Nutrition. He’s also an experienced athlete who has spent most of his life getting writing about nutrition.
He brings a unique blend of knowledge and experience to the LabMeeting team.
None of the things he’s learned have gone to waste.
He’s written an incredible number of articles and reviews and loves to help people get the correct nutrition.
Kay Norris

Kay is from London, England, UK and is a journalist and certified holistic nutritionist with a passion for fitness.
Kay’s training as a holistic healer gives her a valuable insight into the reasons why people gain and lose weight.
Her journalistic ability allows her to share her knowledge in an effective way.
Also an expert on supplement ingredients and technology, Kay can communicate efficiently in three languages. She’s written articles and reviews in English, French, and Spanish.
Tony Stevens

Tony is a man who wears many hats, he is from Vancouver Canada.
Apart from being the person responsible for putting LabMeeting online and recruiting the writers, he also provides some of the content.
In addition to all of this, Tony is the site editor, so he has the responsibility of double-checking all of the content before it goes online.
Tony is guy that keeps order and decides the direction on the website.
LabMeeting In a Nutshell
LabMeeting is an online publication written by a team of experienced writers who share a passion for health and fitness and a distaste for the dark underbelly of the supplement industry.
The site provides up-to-date, research-rich information about diet and nutrition and boasts an ever-growing database of supplement reviews.
Labmeeting does not allow adverting on any webpage but does allow affiliation whereby if a product is recommended and a link is supplied then Labmeeting may receive a small commission if a sale is made.
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