Apple cider vinegar has been around for centuries and is one of the most popular natural remedies in history. It’s considered to be a great weight loss supplement because it can help with blood sugar levels, digestion, and more.
But how does apple cider vinegar work? Which type do you need to buy? And what are the pros/cons when drinking ACV on an empty stomach or before bedtime?
This article explores these questions and much more so that you can decide if this ancient remedy could be just what your body needs!
Table of Contents
How does apple cider vinegar help weight loss?
Apple cider vinegar can help regulate blood sugar levels, which then helps with insulin resistance and cravings for foods that are high in carbohydrates.
It also promotes the healthy bacteria growth needed to support your gut health.
When you have a good balance of gut flora (healthy bacteria), this is often what leads to better digestion-which means less bloating, gas, etc., when eating certain foods like gluten grains or dairy products.
All of these benefits may not seem related at first glance but typically if you’re experiencing any type of digestive issues from food allergies/intolerances or diabetes it’s because there is an imbalance happening somewhere within your system!
The idea behind natural remedies like ACV is that it may help to rebalance your system.
If you’re someone who is looking for a natural way to aid in weight loss, there are so many other benefits of ACV worth considering as well! For example, the vinegar also helps with blood sugar levels, which then helps with insulin resistance and cravings for foods that are high in carbohydrates.
It also promotes the healthy bacteria growth needed to support your gut health. When you have a good balance of gut flora (healthy bacteria), this is often what leads to better digestion-which means less bloating, gas, etc., when eating certain foods like gluten grains or dairy products.
All three of these benefits may not seem related at first glance but typically if you’re experiencing any of these issues, it’s a sign that there may be an imbalance of gut flora. Not only is apple cider vinegar beneficial for your health but also helps with weight loss!
You can drink ACV as part of your everyday diet or use it in salad dressings and sauces to include more raw foods into your meal plan. You can even use it in your drinks like coffee, tea or water.
Goli Nutrition produce ACV in gummie form that is proving to be popular – you can read about it here.
Can ACV suppress my appetite?
There is no real scientific evidence to suggest that ACV can suppress appetite, but it may help with weight loss due to the other benefits listed.
Drinking apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach will kick-start your metabolism and help you stay fuller for longer.
This helps people who are looking to lose weight in order to maintain a healthy diet plan or just get more nutrients from their food intake overall.
Apple Cider Vinegar has been shown not only as effective at promoting weight loss but also supports digestive health, heart health and provides many other vitamins that promote longevity.”
*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.*
Can ACV burn body fat?
“Yes, apple cider vinegar can help with weight-loss. It promotes a healthy digestion and burning of fat in the body.”
Which is the best apple cider vinegar for losing weight?
No specific brand of ACV has been shown to work better than another when it comes down to aiding in obesity prevention or reduction but one study found that those who take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before each meal lost more weight then those who did not over a 12 week period. It’s important though
The benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach are that you can burn more fat all day long!
This is because the acetic acid in ACV will slow digestion and keep sugars from being absorbed by the digestive system-instead releasing them into the blood stream where they’re converted to energy (aka burned off as fuel).
It’s also believed that this process might help reduce hunger pangs throughout the day, too.
The side effects?
Some people who drink apple cider vinegar may experience gastrointestinal discomfort like bloating or heartburn but these experiences are rare compared to other weight loss supplements which do not have any health benefits at all for gut flora balance.
Who should NOT drink apple cider vinegar?
Pregnant women, anyone who has diabetic ketoacidosis or other type of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), those with gastroesophageal reflux disease and heartburn, people taking a class of drugs called beta-blockers (they may have high blood pressure)
Dr. Axe claims that “ACV is rich in potassium which helps eliminate water weight…” The benefits are endless! For one thing, the acetic acid present in ACV will slow digestion so sugars won’t be absorbed into the digestive system.
This means not only can you burn more fat all day long but some believe it might also help reduce hunger pangs throughout the day too.
According to some experts, apple cider vinegar also has potassium which helps eliminate water weight and if you haven’t heard it before, a healthy gut is the key to everything!
Since then there have been many studies on ACV for weight loss. One study found that those taking two tablespoons of ACV three times a day lost more than twice as much abdominal fat in 12 weeks versus the control group who did not take ACV.
Animal research has shown that acetic acid can reduce obesity by increasing energy expenditure while suppressing appetite through changes in ghrelin levels (the hunger hormone).
It’s believed this may be due to its effect on hormones like leptin and insulin – both linked with regulating how full we feel after eating. The pectins present in ACV may also play a role by slowing down the absorption of sugar into our blood, helping to regulate insulin levels.
Best Apple Cider Vinegar for Losing Weight? If I Had to Choose
My personal favorite is Bragg Organic Raw Unfiltered ACV with “The Mother” which they describe as “the natural cultures that are present in unpasteurized vinegar and give it its characteristic flavor”.
There’s some debate about whether this mother contains health-promoting bacteria or just yeast (it does contain acetic acid).
I like their unfiltered variety for my weight loss program because it has additional minerals not found in other brands such as iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium – all important nutrients for healthy cells.*
Morning vs Night: It doesn’t matter when you drink it, as long as you’re drinking the right kind of apple cider vinegar.
Everyday? Yes – but be sure to stay away from brands that have added sugars for best weight loss results.
Potential Side Effects: Some people experience nausea and an upset stomach when drinking unfiltered ACV with “The Mother” which is more likely due to the high levels of acidity in this variety than any negative effects on your health.
I’ve never experienced these side effects even after years of continuous use.
It’s recommended to start out slowly by adding a teaspoon or two into water before gradually mixing up higher quantities over time* so it may also take some trial and error until you find how much works best for your body.
People who shouldn’t drink apple cider vinegar
Those with diabetes, gout, heart disease or auto-immune conditions should use caution when drinking ACV due to the high levels of acidity which may interfere with medication and worsen symptoms in these diseases but people can always consult their doctor before making any changes if they’re unsure.
It’s also not recommended for pregnant women since it could potentially affect fetal development.* There are no known drug interactions so far so as long as you keep your medications on track this type of apple cider vinegar is safe to consume daily*.
*Source: “Can I Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Everyday?” –; “Can Pregnant Women Take Apple Cider Vinegar?” –
The Benefits of Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar on an Empty Stomach
It can help to keep your stomach full between meals and reduce the likelihood of overeating at lunch or dinner* by stimulating hormones that regulate appetite, suppressing ghrelin levels (the hormone responsible for triggering hunger)*, and boosting satiety hormones like cholecystokinin*.
The benefits are more noticeable in people who have a habit of eating large amounts of food throughout the day.
Drinking apple cider vinegar before a meal also reduces bloating symptoms such as flatulence which could make you feel less bloated during times when it’s important to look good so you may want to drink some before heading out for a date or an event.
The side effects of apple cider vinegar are typically very rare but it is important to be aware that there may not be any benefits for some people when drinking the substance as they can experience gastrointestinal distress, acid reflux*, and other uncomfortable symptoms.
Top 6 Benefits of Drinking ACV
- Additionally, pregnant women or those breastfeeding should avoid consuming apple cider vinegar due to possible harmful effects on unborn babies.*
2. People who are taking medications such as heart medication (ACE inhibitors), anticoagulants like Warfarin, Iron supplements, thyroid drugs such as Synthroid or Cytomel) should consult with their physician before consuming apple cider vinegar because these treatments could react badly with the supplement.
3. If you have diabetes drink this in moderation (one tablespoon, max) and monitor your blood sugar levels. *People with known allergies to apples should avoid apple cider vinegar as it may aggravate their condition.
4. Those who have chronic kidney disease (CKD), Lupus or other auto-immune disorders should consult a doctor before consuming this substance due to possible nutrient deficiencies in the body from these conditions*. Lastly, diabetics taking insulin must be careful when drinking any type of vinegar because they can cause low blood sugars.*
5. Apple Cider Vinegar is not recommended for those on high doses of Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen so if you are an over the counter pain relief user please speak with your physician about using Apple Cider Vinegar while under treatment.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar is not recommended for those with known allergies to apples or who have chronic kidney disease, Lupus or other auto-immune disorders.
So does apple cider vinegar really help weight loss?
Apple cider vinegar helps people lose weight by making changes in the body that reduce hunger (anecdotal evidence) and promotes fat burning.
These natural substances include acetic acid which has a number of important functions in the human body like preventing obesity.
It also increases good gut bacteria levels and reduces bad gut bacteria levels resulting in better digestion.
Another function of acetic acid is its ability to stimulate appetite control hormones so you naturally feel fuller when it acts on these receptors while activating anti-obesity genes. Acetic acids take part as an antioxidant too.
Summary – Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help Me Lose Weight?
Apple cider vinegar is a natural weight loss aid for people who want to lose pounds. It has many different functions in the body like increasing its good gut bacteria levels and decreasing bad ones, stimulating appetite control hormones by acting on receptors that increase anti-obesity genes.
Apple cider vinegar can be taken every day as long as it doesn’t cause any side effects such as heartburn or making you feel nauseous.
The best kind of apple cider vinegar is raw unfiltered because it contains important beneficial enzymes which are destroyed during processing. For those with digestive problems, including acid reflux disease (GERD), taking apple cider vinegar before bedtime may help relieve symptoms while promoting better sleep quality*
How much weight can you lose drinking apple cider vinegar?
The answer to this question is unknown. But there are many people who have success with it and can testify that drinking apple cider vinegar does help them lose weight.
One study published in the International Journal of Obesity showed that those consuming a drink containing two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar each day for 12 weeks had an average body mass index decrease by 0.44 points. And other studies show similar changes when taking about one tablespoon twice daily or more, though these may vary depending on someone’s age and health status*
How long should you take apple cider vinegar before seeing results?
It takes time for your body to adjust so don’t give up too soon! Results will depend on how much weight you need to lose as well